Starting a themed week

My themed week (version 1)

Switching context slows me down. Inability to find a meeting with 3+ colleagues within 2 upcoming days tires me. Now it’s time to make an attempt to change that: I’m picking up the idea of a “themed week”.

That means I put my most prominent recurring activities into a weekly framework. Every day will be dedicated to a specific topic and activities centered around that. What does that look like for me?

My typical week is going to look like this (at least I’ll start off with this and see how it works):

  • Monday: Management Team standups, focussing in “guiding our startup”
  • Tuesday: Product Engineering with the development teams
  • Wednesday: Meeting customers, getting feedback, acquisition
  • Thursday: Product strategy, creative stuff and research topics
  • Friday: Team setup, budget planning, finishing emails that weren’t answered same day

By aligning meetings and activities around that scheme I expect to be more efficient because I deal with related topics at a time. With other people picking up a comparable beat, finding meeting times should become easier and quicker.

I’m totally curious how that’s going to work out. Will there be a lot of distraction? Did I miss an important topic that I’ll have to squeeze in? Is the sequence picked well to achieve my goals? I’ll see, learn and adapt.

In case you want to read more about the idea of a themed week, read  a story on Elon Musk’s schedule on Business Insider, or twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s idea of maximum impact.

Did you ever try working with a themed week and what’s your experience?

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