A cool Lego Calendar

A while ago I stumbled over an appealing idea: Use LEGO for calendaring. It makes planning across a team easier, delivers instant overview and adds a tactile element which makes the whole thing much more fun.

I did a quick research which showed that the idea is not brand new. Many people have created calendars by putting colored bricks on LEGO plates, but the most appealing one – how I find – is the one from a London agency “vitamindesign”. I quickly want to show you how that works.

I’m constantly trying out ways to bring the team members in our company together. One of the essential things is: Who does what when? Having that in an online collaboration tool is nice, but it does not make it visible to everyone in your organization.

Something tactile you can hang on your wall helps here! And I’m a big Lego fan, so it’s a perfect match. vitaminsdesign.com re-invented the lego calendar and used it during the last year.

“It makes the most of the tangibility of physical objects, and the ubiquity of digital platforms, and it’s also puts a smile on our faces when we use it!”

Every plate represents a month with columns for every day of that month. That makes it easy to display three months at a time. Every person in the team gets one row with their own neat little LEGO figure. For every project someone works on, he can put two color coded bricks into his day. This way you can see who is working on what and which project are about to come up.

Besides the wall-mounted calendar, they developed some code to map the physical blocks into a google calendar entries. I’m curious to get my hands on it and introduce it in our teams!

There’s another one and if you search for “lego calendar”, you’ll even find more approaches to that topic. You can start with https://vitamindesign.com and https://www.pinata.fi/blog/lego-calendar-revisited/

How would you use a calendar like that? Did you try it and how did it work?

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