There were many occasions, when links from others inspired me and helped me further develop. In the same way, I like to share some links to resources with you. I hope they add some novel and valuable insights to what you’re currently working on or thinking about.

Books: Agile Organization & Leadership

Reinventing Organizations visuell: Ein illustrierter Leitfaden sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammenarbeit

ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever

Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban

The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Books: Visual Thinking & Sketchnoting

Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers

Das Sketchnote Handbuch: Der illustrierte Leitfaden zum Erstellen visueller Notizen

Visual Thinking: Empowering People & Organizations Through Visual Collaboration

People: Visual Thinkers and Sketchnoters

Worth following,  these people constantly inspire me. The newsletters I really value!

Mathias Jakobsen: Think Clearly

Mike Rhode: Rohdesign

Eva-Lotta Lamm: Sketchnotesbook

People: Agilists and Product Managers

People-centric, innovative, hungry. These people are like companions for the last years in business for me.

Eileen Mandir: Coaching Leaders in the Digital Age

Henrik Kniberg: Coaching and Mentoring Organizations

Roman Pichler: Agile Product Management